Results of test shooting against the armor of german heavy tank, Tiger B .

Report was compiled based on information from several formations, on the result of shooting of armor of the german heavy tank Tiger II.

The conclusions, report states that :

"1. Shooting with AP and subcaliber shells from all listed guns, does not displace the turret from the turret ring.
2. From 100-250m, no type of shell from listed guns can penetrate the frontal armour of the hull or turret, not even with sharp angles of impact of no more than 46-48 degrees.. Single penetration of the frontal hull near the MG ball, was achieved by 152mm AP shell fired from 250m, at the striking angle of 86°. Breach Diameter = 350mm.
3. Drive train components (tracks, wheels) are vulnerable to all reported calibers."

DistanceCaliberTypeTurret Front°Hull Front°Turret Side°Sloped Side Armor°Vertical Side Armor°Rear Armor°Suspension
250 m152 mmAPI(?)------Ric., dent w: 230 mm, d: 70 mm46°Pen.entry w: 190 mm, exit w: 840 mm86°---------------------
460 m---------------------Total pen. of both sides, ent. w:170 mm, ex. w:750 mm85°---------------
1200-1500 m---------------Pen.70°Pen.70°------------Destruction of roadwheels
200 m122 mm M-30HEAT------Ric., dent d:65 mm48°Pen.48°Pen., w: 45-50 mm89°Pen., w:45-50 mm------------
425 m---------------Pen., w:50-60 mm88°---------------------
500 m---------------Melted through (?) w: 60 mm, d: 140 mm------------Pen., w: 55 mm------
200 m85 mm SPGAP------Ric.46°Pen., w: 170 mm86°---------------------
400-800 m------------------Pen.Pen.---Pen.------------
200 m76 mm ZiS-3AP------------10 shots failed to penetrate the hull side armor, with 60 mm deep dents.---------
400 mAPCR------------Pen.---Pen.---Pen.------------
400 mHEAT------------------------------------Destruction of roadwheels
600 mmAPCR------------3 ricochets.------------------------
150 m57 mmAP------Ric., dent d: 20 mm---Pen.------------------------
150 mAPCR------Ric., dent d: 20 mm---Pen.------------------------
400 mAPCR------------Pen.88°Pen.88°Pen.88°---------
600 mLL (SU-) 57 mmAP------------Ric., dent d: 20 mm---------Pen.------------
180 m45 mmAPCR------------Pen.---Pen. , w: 30 mm80°Pen., w: 30 mm80°---------
400 m------------Pen.---Pen.---Pen.------------


° - angle of impact
Ric. - Ricochet
Pen. - Penetration
w. - width
d. - depth

"This report is comfirmed by the commander of artillery in 5th Guard army, General-Major of the Artillery Poluektov, on 11.9.1944. Data were collected from 5th Guard army, 13th Army, 3rd Guard Tank Army, 31st Tank Korps and 10th independent tank-destroyer anti-tank artillery brigade."


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