German KIA from 1.6.1941 to 31.12.1944.

  - Collumns numbered 2, 3 and 4 are monthly averages of losses for given time periods, 5th is a month where highest average losses occured. collumns 6 and 7 are monthly losses according to preliminary reports.

A.) Dead due to enemy action.

I. Heer (including field and reserve army, Waffen-SS and volunteer formations) 

() - numbers in brackets are the number of officers included

Total - 1,517,905 (56,022) 

a.) East - 1,091962 (41,017)
b.) Geb. AOK 20 - 16,032 (513)
c.) AOK Norway u.W.B. Denmark - 428 (15)
d.) Ob. South-west - 48,748 (1,944)
e.) Ob. South-east - 16,532 (609)
f.) Ob. West - 58,276 (2.176)
g.) Reserve army -  7,447 (294)
- Died of wounds - 278,480 (9,434)

II. Kriegsmarine :

Total - 34.988 (2,105)

 - including:

a.) Atlantic and other oceans - 22,377 (1,580)
b.) East - 8,039 (297)
c.) Mediterranean Sea - 4,582 (229)

III. Luftwaffe:

Total - 121,049 (7.183)
Without - Operational losses, schools and other services - 98,038 (5288)

- including:

a.) West and Greater Reich area - 25,826 (1,806) 
b.) South - 18,743 (1,024)
c.) East - 53,469 (2,458)

- Operational losses, schools and other services - 23,011 (1,895)

Included in the total (according to the reports from Luftwaffe) - 

d.) Plane crews - 33,837 (4,798)
e.) Fallchirmjäger and airlanding troops - 17,618 (548)

Total of 3 branches - 1,673,952 (65,311)

B.) Other deaths - accidents, suicides, sickness, deaths in captivity and internment (excluding captives in Russia)

I. Heer 

- 134,536 (6,358)

II. Kriegsmarine

- 9,583 (711)

III. Luftwaffe

- 16,060 (844)

In December 1944: In hospitals, with troops and in bandage stations of 3 branches of armed forces, 1,131 (31) died of accidents, 244 (9) died of suicides, 2,127 (61) died of sickness and 7 (3) died in captivity and internment for a total of 3,509 (104), in comparison to previous month, when 3,517 (87) had died.

Total of deaths from all causes - 1,834,131 (73,234). 


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