Deployment of the Sturmgeschutz as a component of the tank regiment.
"Insctructions on the use of Assault Gun battalion inside a Tank Regiment." "1.) It is required in some Tank divisions to equip one of the tank battalions in the tank regiment with assault guns as a temporary solution. 2.) The battalion will be equipped with 96 StuGs. Structure of the combat element: HQ - 3 Command tanks (Panzer III) HQ company - (recon and security) 5 StuGs. 1-4 company HQ troop - 2 StuGs 1.-4. platoon with 5 StuGs each 3.) Sturmgeschutz, compared to Pz IV, has these advantages: a.) thicker frontal armor (Panzer IVs, in new production from April 1943, will have the same frontal armor thickness) b.) lower height which makes it a smaller target. Disadvantages are: a.) Lack of commander's cupola - and therefore difficult observation and command ( From December 42, newly produced StuGs have the commander's cupola) b.) Lack of turret and thus a lack of allround fire capability. c.) No machinegun with all-round fire capability. This impairs close-comb...